sweetie nostalgia

In light of Nestle's 'shock' announcement, it prompted me to think about the sweets we used to have when growing up. Hats off to Nestle for generating a few hundred free column inches of publicity, but it did make me think if there was a way getting hold of all those old time favourite sweets again. The confectionary market can be so fickle sometimes.
It seems that this wave of nostalgia is getting to be quite strong. I have been ordering the odd box here and there from Cybercandy on and off - but a certain degree of experimentation is required.
For more home grown treats A Quarter Of fits more comfortably. Focusing on the UK market, they have amassed a large collection of long forgotten sweets that we all used to gorge ourselves when our daily allowance was less than 50p.
A browse of the newspapers at the weekend also unearthed this related article.