apple's mighty mouse

Seismic shifts have taken place over at Cupertino, CA - as Apple debut their first mouse with more than one button! Dubbed the Mighty Mouse, this features quite a range of sytlish features; perhaps the most appealing is the miniature 360 degree scroll ball - essential for navigating your way around huge displays. Integration with Tiger is tight - much as expected, although it is a shame that this was not announced along with a wireless bluetooth version but early days still!
Naysayers are beginning to speculate on the effect this will have on Apple's natural user interface design (being forced to design for a button mouse ensured that applications remained simple to navigate and control). Will the advent of programmable multi button mice mean that ease of use and intuitiveness will be become harder to master for the novice user?
UPDATE: It is worth adding that this works on both PCs and Macs.